Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice of AGM

Tuesday October 9 at 7pm at Elks Hall in Stony Plain.

Nominations are now being accepted for the positions listed below.
Please join us to vote for our 2019 Executive and Board at the AGM. 

Please send any and all nominations 

Positions for 2019 are as follows.
Please note they include the person who who holds that position currently for reference. All positions are open to anyone who would like to be nominated. 

President - Michel Cote
Vice President - Mike Chalmers 
Treasurer - Tammy Desilets 
Secretary Donna Freake
Track Operator - Tyla Thomsen 

Concession Coordinator - April Oliver
Fundraising Coordinator - Sue Mitschke 
Website Coordinator - Brian Bateman 
Volunteer Coordinator - Lei Gryshik 
Track Maintenance Coordinator - Stu Assinger

Racer Photos and Trophies will also be available for pick up 

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