SPBMX Weekly - June 16, 2019

In This Newsletter: 
Aurora Northern series 1 
Jersey Update

Aurora Northern Series - Edmonton

Was that fun or was that fun!??? 
Results will be up later tonight, so keep checking the website to see where we landed! https://auroranorthernbmx.com/ 

Registration for our own Aurora Race on July 12 will open next week, and we’ll have registration directions in next week’s newsletter.

Lets flood the field with Green and Black and show our sister clubs how awesome Stony is!! 

This is so important we posted it on social and here. 

Riders MUST wear properly buckled helmets any time they are on their bikes ANYWHERE on our property. This means from your vehicle to the start gates- if your child is on their bike they MUST have their helmets on.  

We cannot stress this enough, and it doesn't matter if your child doesn't like their strap.  It's not about comfort. 
Those straps need to be tight enough that they will not travel over your racer's chin. For our littlest racers, that means as tight as you can make it. For our bigger racers, all we can offer is the suggestion that they are never too old to double check their noggin protectors.
If you look closely at the photo below you will see that the racer had his helmet strap done up but very loosely for the convenience of pulling the helmet on and off. Clearly that is not good enough.
Please please please please please understand how important it is to make sure your kids’ helmets are done up.

(please note this is a photo from 2013, and while we do not know how this racer ended up after this crash, we are betting he didn't walk off the track, and very likely spent some significant time in a dark, silent room recovering)



New Jerseys are on their way and this is the last call for Jersey Purchases!  

Registered racers will receive a free jersey, but for anyone who may want to order a second jersey for their athlete or a jersey for themselves, see pricing: 
Adult Jerseys - $80 incl taxes & personalization
Youth Jerseys - $75 incl taxes & personalization

Order deadline in June 29.
etransfer: treasurer@stonyplainbmx.com
In message include: Jersey size (A or Y, xs - 4XL) plus name on back & your email address.  OR Follow up email to the same with message details

If you registered after May 16, we're sorry your Jersey is not yet ready. Everyone else: We are hoping to have your jerseys at the end of the week! 

If you are going to Medicine hat please shoot Melissa Chalmers a note to let her know. We may have them in time for the weekend! (eeek)

We will update you on Social Media as soon as we know when we will have them in our hands. 

Upcoming BMX Community Events

June 22 & 23 - Provincial 1 & 2, Medicine Hat 
July 6 & 7 - National Championships, Toronto
July 12 - Aurora Series 2 - Stony Plain
July 13 & 14 - Camp Cools Training Camp 
July 20 & 21 - Provincial 3 & 4, Stony Plain 
July 24 - First Responders Day     
New this year -  We have invited all Firefighters, Law Enforcement and EMS to join us on the track! There will be lots of fun, and maybe even a little friendly competition.  Join us!
July 26 - Aurora Series 3 - St Albert
August 10 & 11 - Provincial 5 & 6, Airdrie
August 17 & 18 - Provincial 7 & 8/Canada Cup, Calgary
August 23 - Aurora Series Wrap Up, Red Deer
Sept 7 & 8 - Provincial Grands, Cochrane 

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