Race Day is here!!

Race Night! 

What you need to know: 

  1. If you want to race YOU NEED TO REGISTER. 
    Registration is available only on race day.  You can do so on our websiteuntil 5:30, or between 5:30-6:30 you can register in person at the motoshed or by text to: 780-977-4269.  
    **Registration closes at 6:30 sharp**
  2. Rider Sheets Posted
    These are very important! They will be posted in a visible spot (we will announce it), and it is your job as a parent to double check your rider's information.  Please ensure their plate number is right, their age is right and that they are in the correct class (Novice, Intermediate & Expert).
    If you see a discrepancy, please go to the Motoshed to report it IMMEDIATELY so it can be fixed before the race. Waiting until motos are posted is too late! 
  3. Motos Posted
    Motos are the BMX definition of a race heat.  Find your riders name and the record the 3 sets of numbers beside it (ie: 22:3 means that they are in moto 22 and lane 3).
    Pro Tip 1: Take your phone and snap a pic of your racer's listing. There are a LOT of people crowding the moto sheets! 
    Pro Tip 2: Bring a sharpie and some green painters tape. Write your racer's motos on it and then stick it to their bike where they can see it. 
  4. Get your riders race ready
    Tuck in their shirts (send them pee BEFORE motos are posted), make sure their helmets are securely fastened and send them around to the back of the start ramp, where they will wait to be called. 
  5. Take a seat and cheer cheer cheer for your racer! 

Rain Policy

We will make the call to cancel a race or practice at 5:30 on the day of.  We have an excellent drainage system at the track, and the last thing we want to do is cancel our time on the track when we didn't actually have to.  Cancellations will be sent via email and posted to facebook when possible.
We will make the call to cancel due to: Rain, Lightning and/or wind.  Fingers crossed we never have the make the "snow" call! 


The Concession will be open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday only.  Tuesday night  Race Team athletes, please plan accordingly.
The concession will have basic supplies only as we ramp up our inventory. Hot food WILL NOT be served this week but we will let you know as soon as we're ready to start cooking for you! 

Pub Night Tickets

We will have tickets for sale at the Concession all week as well as our web store! Remember all race families are required to purchase two tickets.  

Volunteer Positions

This year we have made a few changes to the way you volunteer!
Your commitment is 10 hours PLUS one work bee or casino shift. All families are required to submit a $300 volunteer cheque against their commitment - racers will not be allowed on the track to practice or race until we have received this cheque.
Track positions on race and practice nights are still first come first serve. Details are in our welcome package, available on our website
In an effort to be a little more organized and to help you complete, there are a few jobs we want to draw your attention to:

  1. Weekly track set up. Duties Include sweeping the track (this helps keep our kids safe). Setting up and taking down lights, gates and garbages. Arrival time 5:30pm Monday and Thursday. Sign up for one week in the moto shed.
  2. Moto Committee. Duties include registering riders for races. Building motos. Entering into BEM system. Printing all sheets. Handing out stickies.
  3. Concession CommitteeDuties include selling concession items on track nights. Keeping concession clean and organized. 
  4. Pub night (June 2). One of our biggest fundraisersVarious shifts and positions available
  5. Stony Plain Dental Community Night (June 8) - we need two families to volunteer to help Donna for the evening. 
  6. Track Maintenance Committee. Duties include maintenance of the track under the direction of committee head. Heavy equipment work included.
  7. Year End Party Committee. Duties include helping to organize and plan for year end party with executives
  8. Casino. Our biggest fundraiser helps us keep our club fees as low as possibleVarious shifts and positions available

We will teach you everything you need to know for each of these positions. We want these jobs to be as easy and fun as possible! Remember, we are all volunteers and without you there is no us.
Any questions can be directed to Lei at volunteers@stonyplainbmx.com Or come to the moto shed to put your name down!

Compete to Contribute

Compete to Contribute is back again this year, and again we will be competing for grants from local businesses. More information will be forthcoming, but in the meantime check out their website

Our Schedule:

Monday May 7 -Race Night! 
                         -12am - 5:30 pm - Online Registration open
                         -5:30pm - 6:30pm -Register via text or in person
                         - 6:30 - Push Bikes

Tuesday May 8 -Race Team Practice
                           Please remember this practice is for Race Team athletes only

Wednesday May 9 - 6:30-7:30 - Practice 1
                               -7:30-8:30 - Practice 2

Thursday May 10 -Race Night! 
                          -12am - 5:30 pm - Online Registration open
                          -5:30pm - 6:30pm -Register via text or in person
                         - 6:30 - Push Bikes

Important Dates

In a Nutshell, here’s what you need to know to get you through May & June’s BMX schedule
Farmers Days Parade – June 2, details to come
Parents Pub Night –June 2, 7PM Canadian Brew House
Stony Plain Dental Community BBQ - Friday June 8 330-6pm, details to come but we will be looking for volunteers
Bring a Buddy (to practice) -  June 13, details to come
OTB Clinics BMX Camp – June 9&10, Registration Open! Email Kiran
Aurora Series Race 1 – June 15 in Edmonton, details to come
Edmonton Provincial Series 1&2 – June 23 & 24

Missing from this list but keep in mind:
Work Bee – Stay tuned – we’ll let you know as soon as we can schedule one!
First Practice/Race  - We’ll let you know as soon as its go time!
Other BMX Camps – Big B’s Supercamps and Camp Cools will also be hosting bmx camps starting in June, information can be found on their websites as well as our sister club websites.

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