SPBMX Weekly - May 26, 2019

In This Newsletter: 
Friday Night Work Bee
Race Team Training in Devon
Concession Now serving Dinner
Farmers Days Parade


Call for Raffle Items
Licenses are in
Class Upgrades
Racing in a Main
"X" ing your plate


Race Nights can be busy!!  Don't worry we’ve got you covered for dinner - $5 Combos are back at the track!
Monday night $5 for a burger, chips and pop and Tuesday night $5 for a hotdog chips and pop. 

Race Team

**Venue & Time Change**
This week we will be meeting at 7pm at Voyageur Park in Devon.
Check your email for more information.

Friday Night Work Bee

We are calling a quick few-hour work bee on Friday night.  Text Deon if you’re able to join us – 780-983-7767


Farmers Days Parade

If your racer would like to join us in the Farmers Day Parade on June 1, have them at the track no later than 9:30. Our road is used for staging for the entire parade, so anyone wanting to park or drop off kids needs to do so before then or you will have to park elsewhere and walk them in. 
Riders helmets, jerseys pants and gloves are mandatory. Bring your water bottles and wear sunscreen and bug spray.
Push Bike riders are welcome, but push parents please plan to accompany your little on the route.  All other parents (Unless you are an adult racer or have already made arrangements) are welcome to find a spot along the parade route to watch their rider.
The parade runs from 12:00 until 1:30. We’ll be handing out bookmarks and candy!! 

BMX Meet and Mingle

June 1 is a busy day for BMXer’s! 
Join us for the Farmers Days Parade and then drop the kids with a babysitter and join your fellow BMX parents at the Canadian Brew House! Tickets are $25 and include a free drink. Proceeds from ticket sales go back to the club. Tickets can be purchased through Chrystal Kuhn or at Concession.

Call for Raffle Items

If you don’t want us to cash your $50 raffle cheque, then don’t forget to bring in your raffle items!
The last time we held a provincial there were 300 racers and the table raised over $4,000. Provincial attendance has grown significantly since then, so an awesome raffle table + lots of racers = more fundraising for our club!

Licenses are in! 

Most licenses are in, please pick them up on Wednesday during practice.

Class Upgrades

Well we are three weeks in and are starting to see some athletes upgrading in class – congratulations!! 
If you upgrade during the season and ride with an Alberta Cup Series plate, please place a zero in front of your number. For example... ‘5’ becomes ‘05’ because you earned that plate as a Novice/Intermediate and are now an Intermediate/Expert.  AB, N, and W plates do not change as they are age - not class, based.
It’s always a good idea to check with Alberta Bicycle for your current number of wins within your class. You can do this by emailing info@albertabicycle.ab.ca.


Please make sure you stick around for mains. Sometimes there is only 9 riders, forcing a main event. In that case, if one rider leaves, the main will still need to be run (and really didn’t have to!).
Not sure what a main is? Well we can tell you! If one of our age/class groups has more than 8 racers in it on a given night, we run a main.  A good example of this is our 8 year old Novice Boys. We often have more than 8 racers in that category, so we often run multiple motos on race nights. In order to determine a winner, we take the top racers from both of those motos and they race in a Main, or a final race to determine their final place for the evening.

What is “X-ing” your plate? 

When there are two riders in a moto with the same plate number, one of those riders must ‘X’ their plate. This is simply done by adding an ‘X’ after their number in painters tape. The younger of the two riders would be the one asked to do it.

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